Six critical teammates to start scaling and FOUR steps to start your growth TODAY
Six critical teammates to start scaling and FOUR steps to start your growth TODAY For a weekly update of where we are at with our company growth and all that is on my mind, I’ve decided that a blog is most appropriate. We have an accounting analyst currently being connected to our accounting department personally, […]
Six Ways to Make Apartment Offers During an Outbreak
Six Ways to Make Apartment Offers During an Outbreak Even though things are scary, the show must go on. And people will continue to purchase during recessions. I’m here to share some tips on what CAN be done. #1. Hard Money Negotiate that zero money goes hard, on day one. Everything should be soft earnest […]
Moving forward after a loss
You know, everything right now is NOT AS WE KNOW IT. And never again will life, the economy, relationships, business, etc., be “as we knew it.”The faster we get to acceptance, the faster we can succeed.As you probably know, everyone goes through five stages of grieving after a loss. If you can be radically transparent […]