
Addressing Rental Eviction Issues:

Truly indeed, eviction is a pain in the arse. The emerging issue that creates risk on eviction on our portfolios and how we can make use of pioneering and state-of-the-art financial products to enhance both the lives of the tenants and their ability to pay rent but also the performance of your portfolio. Based on studies, it is said that about almost a million eviction happens each year. A lot occurs in the shadows and landlords utilize different taxes to obtain residents out of our portfolios who are considered delinquent.

Why do evictions happen? The bottom line is the rent is extremely high. That is a fact and everyone heard that. Affordability issues are affecting the entire community as landlords in looking for residents who have the proper capability to pay rental charges. There are notorious skippers and professional informal settlers. Some property managers have faced battles for those. But more importantly, the cash flow challenges within the resident base. Drive almost all of the default and eviction that was witnessed in one’s portfolios and put the risk of eviction on a wider set of residents.

Why do tenants face eviction issues and risk in cash flow? They have a median household income of about forty-five thousand dollars and that is the tradition we all know. Also, there is stagnant growth in wages with increasing costs rent being the main cost that they replace on the resident base. In the same manner, half of the American population recognize 25% month-to-month volatility on income.

Also, the majority of the population in the United States has limited savings. Half of the country has below four hundred dollars in accessible savings to battle the financial turmoil. As landlords, they are putting a restriction on the residents’ base themselves.  They are placing a cash timing constraint by charging rent every first of the month which makes it complicated for the tenant who is likely to pay thirty (“30’) to fifty (“50”) percent of their salary to the landlords on that very day.

So, if a tenant will not be able to pay rent, what should they do? What present alternatives do they have? They have family and friends, family banks, relatives to ask for help, and the like. That might work but the truth is people are a bit embarrassed to do that and the capital base is limited inherently. We have banks and real banks. The truth of the matter is a lot of the tenants, especially in the workforce housing space are underbanked obligations. They have restricted access to the credit solutions and right capital that can stabilize their financial capability and means to shoulder rental charges on time.

Some have internet peer-to-peer banks they utilize. These are shelling out a lot of personalized lending solutions that can aid in solving this issue but a lot also possess main requirements that are more than what the clients basically need. They also have title lenders and payday. Many of the residents are utilizing payday and title loans in financing rent. These are giving their residents about two (2) to four (4) weeks to pay them back as well as charging them 3-700 percent APR’s.

To add, there are three (3) times as many payday lenders sitting in the rental communities as there are fast foods all over the United States. So they are the real capital source for their tenant base. And the worst part in terms of the residents utilizing them as a credit solution is that they are enhancing the long-term default risks on the tenant base. Basically, the traditional payday loan will be refinanced about eight (8) times. And once the borrower reached the last cycle, they are likely in default to both the payday lender and to utilize the landlord

Lastly, it is imperative to highlight the landlord. And as landlords, they offer credit to their client base but it is not an efficient credit. They usually have payment plans. This is applicable for tenants who are responsible and they hit a cash timing issue. A payment plan is destined for them because you do not want to lose them and in the same manner, the cost of eviction is a bit pricey.

But more predominant is the second form of financing that is also offered to appropriate tenants. They are just giving tenants a form of financing more commonly known as late fees. Verily, the late fees are pegged at five (5) to ten (10) percent of the rent for that specific cycle and an allowance of two (2) weeks to pay.

What happens if the defaulting tenant doesn’t pay? That is the time they file a case for eviction and charge them and if they do not pay then they put them on the street. Let us analyze the late fees for instance. Say, it is pegged at 10 percent they will give them about fifteen (15) days. That is about two hundred (200) percent APR and they are not giving the tenant any sufficient period in resolving the problem that they are experiencing.

Fair housing makes customized rental payment solutions a bit of a challenge. And the landlords are under-resourced to make this kind of credit. Landlords do not actually have an idea of what the credit risk of the residents is if there is a need. So there is a myth that should be dismissed and hear all the time from our landlord partners and people around. Some treat late fees as revenue. But the truth of the matter is, it is not. At consolation, it is a breakeven value proposition.

Landlords are bad at delivering credit. Landlords tend to look at their income statements and there is a lame line of thinking that late fees make landlords feel good. Some are running a portfolio that possesses a million dollars in yearly leave fees. The challenge in understanding the ins and outs of late fee revenue is understanding the underlying costs that drive and are linked with the collection effort. It is best recommended to go look at each portfolio and basically pull apart these costs to know if you are truly generating money. And it is almost 100 percent sure that you are not. Traditionally, there are five (5) different items sitting in three (3) different sections of an income statement. Bad debt, is easily tracked because it sits in revenue. They also have excess vacancy because of longer turnover for eviction as compared to a traditional turnover. It also sits on revenue but it is a bit complex to comprehend. Another thing is the collection team costs, eviction filing cost which is not apparent in property management expenditures. It is not a surprise that eviction costs us a lot. Turnover beyond the regular turnover that is hidden somewhere. In reality, they push it as a capital expenditure but are also hidden in maintenance as well as turnover costs. Verily, the worst part is that the resident is the largest loser in this equation. So even if they are not evicted, they will surely experience the stress of it, monthly. But the other hand, the ones that were evicted are damaging their state of confidence. This is because there are destroying their credit scores as well as their capability to look for housing in the future. A lot of families who are evicted are forced into transitional housing with friends or family hotels or homeless shelters. Children are ripped out of schools and the result is that there is an entire community loss. Parents who are the breadwinners of these families experience instability and uncertainty in terms of money. They are also parted from their job opportunities making it complicated for them to basically earn income to rent a home.

Some firms like Till presents a series of financial products that are particularly tailored for the multifamily and single-family rental realm. They have a central rental loan that is destined to address financial emergencies. It is a quarterly or semi-annual type of loan. They underwrite the tenant on their capability to pay. They are making sure that they have the ability to pay not only the lending company but also the landlord in the very near future. Firms like Till partner with landlords to deliver this type of scheme. This is another solution that the property managers have to give their tenants who are having a problem paying their regular monthly rental. These firms take the whole risk from the landlord and they will pay the same on time and direct. Each tenant’s balance that borrows from these firms goes to zero when they pay landlords. Also, they have a short-term rental loan that is designed to solve intra-month cash timing problems. As stated earlier, almost half of the income of tenants is spent on rental fees.

They have tailored as landlords a very uncompromising scheme allowing tenants to pay rent when they have an issue and they utilize sticks with late fees to oblige them to have payment on time. The short-term loans allow the firm to pay such landlords monthly on time and it gives the tenant the definitive flexibility over that months’ time to pay the firm back. The scheme to pay them back is dependent on the tenants. They can pay them back weekly or even daily; whatever enhances their ability to pay to lower their entire default and fees.

Truly indeed, affordability issues can be addressed with innovative financial solutions. Alternative credit particularly tailored for the rental industry can do well, and can financial stability of each tenant can be enhanced while enhancing the performance of your portfolio in the same manner.

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Kaylee McMahon

Apartment investor/TREC Brokerage, LLC Owner

C: 469-990-4627 (text or call)

IG: The Apartment Queen



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