The housing crisis has hit women a bit harder as compared with men, because of a lot of factors like domestic abuse which is number one, and earning less income. Sometimes, women are regarded to be “hidden homeless” because of these circumstances.
No matter where one lives, or how you pay for your home; whether social renting, homeownership, sheltered accommodation or private renting. One of the nuclei of the United States housing crisis has affected a significant amount of people all over the globe, regardless of age, in many different types of households. We have listed the ways by which the housing crisis disproportionately handicaps women all over the United States:
Women earn less income but they pay more, in rentals. The silly gender pay gap simply comprehends that women continue on average, to obtain income significantly less than men. It simply means that households supported by women are shelling out money bigger than average proportions of income on rent. According to studies, the gender pay gap presently pegs at 18%, with more women working in low-earning jobs or not full time. Across an existence, this simply means less disposable income, a higher value earmarked on rent, more difficulty saving for a deposit minus the financial security.
Services on Domestic violence are being cut. It has been said that about 25% of women experience domestic violence throughout their existence and 8% of them will suffer domestic violence at any given time. There is a big concern that housing benefit changes are making it more complicated for women’s shelters to support and operate women who flee from their homes because of domestic violence.
Women who are homeless do not obtain the services they need. A lot of women who become homeless have multiple complex needs. A lot of women who become homeless have several complicated needs. Based on the report, it was found out that higher rates of drug use among the feminine gender and a higher occurrence of mental health issues have been prevalent. As per the statistics commissioned in the United States, about 33% of 4000 correspondents are experiencing homelessness, and 33% of them are drug-dependent females. There is also a huge occurrence among homeless women diagnosed with mental health issues like depression. A smaller number of homeless women means a lot of homelessness services default to the needs of men can be unintentionally hostile for the opposite sex.
At the end of the day, women still bear the force and effect of caring responsibilities. They are often regarded as the main carers after severance of one’s marriage. This simply means that they are more likely to live in a home classified as under-occupied under the government parameters because of kids being young enough to share a room or just move out.
In our society, women always carry the burden. In turn, they lose their house security. That is why __________________ helps women from all walks of life to raise their dignity and uplift their disposition towards life. In real estate investing, they help women increase their wealth and widen their portfolios.
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- Ultimate passive investors
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- Individuals with pension fund
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- Women-owned family offices or offices/funds that support the social initiative to teach financial literacy to women
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Kaylee McMahon
Apartment investor/TREC Brokerage, LLC Owner
C: 469-990-4627 (text or call)
IG: The Apartment Queen